Thursday, October 25, 2012

13 days...

President tells reporters to "look to videotape" for his flip-flops.
Even BuzzFeed (founded by a co-founder of The Huffington Post, and notoriously liberal) takes the President up on his challenge.  Apparently, it wasn't too hard to expose flip-flops on the President, either.

Real Clear Politics Presidential Polls
RCP has Governor Romney ahead of President Obama by 0.7% nationally.  However, with the polls as they are in swing states, President Obama would likely win election if it were held today by a slim margin, 281-257 in the electoral college.  Political Scientists at the University of Colorado say Romney has a 77% chance to win the popular vote.  However, he could still lose the presidency.  Democrats may well change their tones about the electoral college.

Karl Rove's Campaign Analysis
Love him, hate him, don't even know him?  Those who do know Karl Rove (Senior Adviser and White House Deputy Chief of Staff for George W. Bush), know that Karl Rove knows polls better than anyone.  He's the architect behind turning Texas "red" and engineered victories for President Bush in 2000 and 2004. He's got a hunch that, regardless of the foreign policy debate, momentum is still in Romney's favor.  We'll see.  I think the challenger has some significant ground to make up in some key battleground states.  This next week and a half should be really interesting.

Yeah, Indiana Republicans replaced Dick Lugar with THIS GUY?!?
Sure, Dick Lugar has been in the Senate for a long time (1977-2013), but sheesh.  Richard Mourdock was propelled by the Tea Party vote in Indiana, and ran on a fiscally conservative platform (he is currently serving as State Treasurer).  The problem for Mourdock (and for Romney) is that the two are being connected to each other by an endorsement ad Romney stars in that was produced the day before this debate blunder by Mourdock.  At the time of this writing, the Romney campaign hasn't done much to distance itself from Mourdock.  Republicans wanted to take over the Senate,  and they needed to win both Indiana and Missouri to do so.  Romney will win both of those states on the Presidential side of the election, but both states could potentially wind up in the hands for Democrats in the Senate races (Missouri seems especially likely at this point to re-elect Democrat Claire McCaskill ).

Senator Tom Coburn's "Government Wastebook"
With a federal deficit of over $1,000,000,000,000 for each of the past four years, how many of these programs are so essential that they need to be funded for by borrowed dollars?  You can decide for yourself.  Let me know!

UN Human Rights Council to call for boycott of US companies doing business with Israel
Yeah.  This is the UN at work!

Personal musings...

TURN OFF MSNBC AND FOX NEWS!  I have been flipping between the two partisan channels recently, and both networks are both in overdrive trying to get "their guy" elected.  The venom coming from contributors and hosts alike are unbearable to watch, really.  For Chris Matthews, Ed Schultz, Sean Hannity, and the likes, this election can't come soon enough.  One of them is going to have a stroke if they don't cool it.

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